motherland KARABAKH

Alizadeh Nubar
3 min readOct 30, 2020


Every part of our Motherland AZERBAIJAN matters for us. Pearl of not only AZERBAIJAN but also picturesque of Caucasus -KARABAKH is the biggest pain that grows bigger and bigger by each day. Also, Karabakh is our only hope for the future. Unfortunately, the paradise corner of AZERBAIJAN -Karabakh has been occupied by Armenia approximately for 30 years. It has been a lot since we haven’t seen Karabakh’s beautiful nature and could not breathe its clear air. But, today, after 30 years, Azerbaijan’s brave army is writing history. They are liberating our native lands from the Armenian occupation and also claiming victory in Karabakh.

For 30 years, Azerbaijan was waiting for returning Karabakh from the Armenian occupation. Azerbaijan wanted to resolve the conflict by the way of peace. Karabakh always belongs to Azerbaijan. But Armenia refused all peace talks and decided to occupy new regions of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan was and is fighting on their lands for their lands. But Armenia still continues their occupation and still keeps attacking civilian regions of Azerbaijan. Armenia ruthlessly killed innocent civilians, including pregnant women, children, and the elderly while they were sleeping. And the world still keeps being blind to all those terrorism. They are all blind to those all world human organizations and justice…

Starting from February 26, 1992, Armenia targets and kills civilians in their sleeps…Khojaly Massacre- one of the darkest pages of the 20th century, the world’s worst war crime in Nagorno-Karabakh and also one of the worst in Modern European History. At least 613 Azerbaijani civilians including over 200 women and children were ruthlessly killed. On that day , Azerbaijani civilians were gunned down by Armenian troops as they fled towards the safety of Azerbaijani lines. This brutal attack was not simply an accident of Battle. It was part of Armenia’s deliberate policy of terror: killing civilians intimidate others into fleeing the region, allowing Armenia’s army to occupy Nagorno-Karabakh and other regions of Azerbaijan... Even since Azerbaijan has striven for the Khojaly massacre to be recognized by the international community. Mrs. Leyla Aliyeva has made the Justice For Khojaly campaign since 2009, for the awareness of the tragedy around the world. And the world has responded; more than 20 Us states have all recognized The Khojaly Massacre and remembered its victims.

In spite of the losses that we had over the years we’ve never retreated, never retreat, and will never retreat. We proved it again by liberating Zangilan, Jabraily, Khojavand, and the rest of the beautiful edges of Karabakh from occupation and we’ll go forward again!

Karabakh is the ancient and historical land of Azerbaijan, and this is a fact. The whole world recognizes Nagorno-Karabakh as an integral part of Azerbaijan. We are on the right path, ours is the cause of justice, we will win, Karabakh is ours! Karabakh is Azerbaijan!

